Career path analysis and career advice


  • Services are offered by appointment only.
  • 30 minutes are allotted for each appointment.
  • For your scheduled appointment, kindly be on time.
  • Our address is at 5/12, Basement – Hotel Garden View, Saraswati Marg, W.E.A. Karol Bagh, New Delhi, 110005.
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    Career path analysis and advice involves a thorough assessment of an individual’s skills, interests, goals, and aspirations to help them make informed decisions about their professional journey. It includes analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, evaluating their career options, and providing personalized guidance and recommendations for career development and advancement.

    1. Skill evaluation: Assessing an individual’s skills, talents, and areas of expertise.
    2. Interest identification: Identifying their interests, passions, and areas of motivation.
    3. Goal setting: Helping them clarify their career goals and aspirations.
    4. Career exploration: Exploring different career options and opportunities based on their skills and interests.
    5. Personalized advice: Providing tailored guidance and recommendations for career development and advancement, including strategies for skill enhancement, networking, job searching, and professional growth.


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